We’re a #StylishScientists duo who love empowering fellow growing academics to CRUSH LEADERSHIP, GRAD SCHOOL, TRAVEL, + DATING
while building your empire! We have 20 years of community-building experience to share with you!
Want to be a People + Brainstorming Expert, too?
Join our community for free lessons, worksheets,
+ yummy recipes!
We both became So-Arneson when we married.
We're a team!
We decided, what better way to share our knowledge base + passionate expertise with our growing networks than via our new collective home online?
Between the 2 of us, we have backgrounds in:
Business, Fashion, Poli Sci, Biology, Biomedical Sciences, Materials Science Engineering, Physics, Astronomy, Social Media Marketing, Creative Writing + Copywriting, Event Planning,
and lots and lots of passion with leadership + service!
The type of resources you can expect from SO-ARNESON.com:
- Honest lessons + advice, from both a man and woman's perspective
- Leadership tips, planning resources, community-building ideas
- Tutorials + guides, cheatsheets, what to expect in academia, defending your thesis
- Recipes, Travel/culture insight
- Lessons from leaders in their specialty
- + more!
We know what it's like to hustle your way through academia, resisting burn out while also trying to meet The One Person who you truly feel is meant for you.
And all along the way, there are pressures to second-guess yourself.
How do you know you're being most effective in achieving your ambitious goals--in school and life? Have you always dreamt about being a leader but aren't sure where or how to start yet? Or do you feel like you're hitting a wall with advancing in successes in leadership, planning, academics, or even complex relationships?
We're proud People Experts. We're super honest and will share only what we believe will help you grow your talents, grow beyond your social circle, + understand diverse people!
So if you've got questions, we've got answers, tips, + lessons to share!
And don't forget to sign-up for access to our growing Library of Goodies, if you haven't yet! We are crafting some AMAZING goodies coming your way!
Remember, the most important thing is that you believe in you. Invest back into yourself.
And we believe in you, too!
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